My plastic free life: busy single mummy & business owner — christmas present
12th day of Christmas
celebration christmas christmas present low plastic no plastic plastic free plastic free baby plastic free christmas plasticfree reduce plastic toxic plastic xmas present
Laura Callaghan

12th day of Christmas Each day I’ll be telling you about a special Plastic Free Gift Set available via and a little statistic about why it’s so important to go plastic free this Christmas. Why go plastic free? Plastic is a big health concern. Vinyl is a plastic made of the same material as PVC, with phthalates added to make it soft. It can be found in crib mattress covers, shower curtains, bibs, and other waterproof items. Health concerns: From production to use to disposal, vinyl releases chemicals that have been linked to cancer, birth defects and other...
Plastic Free Kids Handmade Christmas Ideas
celebration christmas christmas present homemade low plastic no plastic plastic free plastic free christmas xmas present
Laura Callaghan

Brrrrr, it’s chilly out there today! I have just this morning been for a delightful but freezy walk in the Ashdown Forest with my lovely friend and our three little (and not so little!) babies. There’s definitely more than a feeling of Christmas in the air when it’s 3 degrees out there, and we’re all wrapped up in woolly hats and scarves. We got talking about plastic free handmade Christmas ideas that we are doing with our children, so I thought I’d put together some ideas, together with some suggestions from other mum friends too. Make Your...
Plastic Free Christmas Gift Guide
celebration christmas christmas present low plastic no plastic plastic plastic free plastic free baby plastic free christmas plasticfree reduce plastic toxic plastic xmas present
Laura Callaghan

I'M DREAMING OF A PLASTIC FREE CHRISTMAS... just like the ones our foremothers and forefathers use to know...! Check out the Plastic Free Baby Christmas Gift Guide here! With Halloween and fireworks night done and dusted, it’s definitely time to start planning forward for Christmas I’d say! It’s less than 50 days away now. I’m putting a lot of effort this year into thinking of ways to have a sustainable and frugal plastic free christmas, and I’ll be posting a blog or two about this over the coming days before Christmas (at point of writing, 48 days, 14 hours, 55...
Dear Santa, this year I'd like a Plastic Free Christmas...
christmas christmas present homemade low plastic no plastic plastic plastic free plastic free baby plastic free christmas plastic free home plasticfree reduce plastic toxic plastic xmas present
Laura Callaghan

It's that time of the year again, where we are all looking for Christmas presents for loved ones. Not easy to find the perfect product at the best of times, but when you are also challenged with the task of going plastic-free this Christmas, your efforts need to be more than doubled! My aim is to have a low plastic Christmas this year, as a strategy toward being completely plastic free in 5 years time. My theory here is that it's better that most of the population of the world aim toward lowering our plastic footprint than just a tiny proportion of us...