My plastic free life: busy single mummy & business owner — toxic plastic
Meet an Eco Parent! - Meet Cathy
eco home eco-friendly low plastic no plastic plastic free plastic free baby plastic free parent plastic-free home plastic-free parenting reduce plastic toxic plastic zero waste
Laura Callaghan

Meet an Eco Parent! Meet Cathy Mears-Martin Author of Eco Protection Squad, from Hampshire / New Mexico Follow Cathy on Instagram: …and check out her websites here too: Meet an Eco Parent! This is the another post in our very special "Meet an Eco Parent" series, which gives you a chance to meet a parent from the UK who considers themselves an 'eco parent' or a 'green parent'; those parents who really think about sustainable impacts when raising their children, and are dedicated to their families and to the environment. Thank you to Cathy for answering...
Attention all green parents!
eco home eco-friendly low plastic plastic free baby plastic free parent plastic-free plastic-free home plastic-free parenting reduce plastic toxic plastic zero waste
Laura Callaghan

Hi! I'm Laura from Plastic Free Baby. I'm just a mum. A mum albeit who is conscious about the impact that we have on the environment. A 'green' mum, you might say. But I'm always keen to learn. I am always interested to speak with other eco-minded 'green' parents, to learn what their eco-hacks are, how they go about reducing plastic consumption, and how they go about minimising their family's impact on the environment. I am particularly interested to hear about what choices eco-parents are making limit the negative impacts of plastic and other materials loaded with toxins on...
"Choose to Refuse" - it's Plastic Free July 2022!
eco home eco-friendly low plastic no plastic plastic plastic free baby plastic-free plastic-free home reduce plastic toxic plastic
Laura Callaghan

Plastic Free July® is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution! The Plastic Free July website has loads of very helpful ideas for reducing general plastic consumption, and particularly single-use plastics. This year they have a really helpful calendar called 31 Days of Plastic Free Choices which shares some popular ideas for reducing plastic waste. For me, Plastic Free July it's a chance to focus on my personal plastic-free pledge, to reduce my plastic consumption even further, and to celebrate my plastic-free successes so far! I've been inspired by the Plastic Free Choices calendar,...
The benefits to mum & baby of going plastic-free
no plastic plastic plastic free baby plastic free home plastic-free plasticfree reduce plastic toxic plastic
Laura Callaghan

I first wrote this blog post for Isabella and Us and you can read the whole blog post here. . I’m Laura. I’m a single mother living in Brighton with my 3 year old son, Finn. I founded Plastic Free Baby, an online plastic-free shop and eco blog when I was pregnant, and here’s why… When I was struggling to conceive a child, I wanted more than the “just think positive” words of wisdom people offer up. I wanted tangible ways to improve my chances of conceiving and birthing a healthy baby. This research became more significant still, when I...
My Ultimate Plastic-Free & Organic Baby Guide
baby clothes baby cosmetics baby nursery baby toys low plastic no plastic organic plastic free baby plastic-free toxic plastic
Laura Callaghan

It's Organic September! #chooseorganic Going organic is growing in importance for so many families these days... but... - Why buy organic for your baby? - Why go organic AND plastic-free for your baby and family? - And what are the best organic products for babies? Here's my plastic-free organic baby guide, which I hope helps you to navigate the world of raising an organic baby ;-). I am a massive advocate of, whenever possible within your family budget, buying organic alternatives to baby products. There are benefits to the health of our families and the environment by choosing organic. Searching for...